A Tale of Two Women

A tale of two women and their body stockings. Lyndsey (left) and Juliet.

What if…?

We’ve all arrived at the “what if” question hundreds (if not thousands) of times in our lives at the start of any journey, from the mundane to the adventurous, and anything and everything in between.

When Juliet and I met for her pre-photoshoot consultation, I asked the question I always ask, “How would you like to be photographed?”

The particular photoshoot we were planning was not an intimate portrait session. Instead we were discussing styling and sets for Juliet’s participation in Wise Women: The 50 Over 50 Experience*.

At some point during out planning session Juliet shared with me that she really liked a boudoir portrait I had captured but she wasn’t sure if it was something we could or should do. I was curious what would give Juliet, a bold person who lives life to the fullest, artistic pause. We went in search of the photograph and found it featured on my portrait website at Artifact Photography Studio.

“Of course, we can do that,” I exclaimed. “But there is a caveat. You will need to be willing to feel absolutely ridiculous during the process.” And truer words have never been said. Even though Juliet was unsure what the outcome would be she decided to move forward and uncover the answer to, “What will it look like if I wear a body stocking with a faux fur coat?”

Juliet ordered the silly, and thankfully inexpensive, nylon stocking from Amazon and the plan was put into motion. Oh, and I didn’t mention that Juliet is a serious body builder who can likely bench press my body weight. I suspected, correctly, that there was no way that coat would fit over her enviable muscle-laden shoulders. Where there is a will, there is a way.

When it came time to photograph this set, Juliet had a very similar experience as Lindsey, which was they both had a dickens of a time getting into their darn stockings. During both photoshoots we laughed so much our sides hurt. And with that being said, one can’t argue with the photographic proof that the results are undeniably AMAZING! Photoshoots are indeed FUN… a memorable and entertaining way to spend a day! As they should be. We all still laugh about the trials and tribulations of attempting to insert oneself into a body stocking.

Juliet wasn’t convinced the set was going exceedingly well until I showed her the back of the camera. Seeing is believing, my friends. One look at the results and Juliet exhibited instant confidence in front of the camera. Regardless of the wardrobe malfunctions and the ensuing shenanigans, the experience was totally worth it. So much so that we decided this particular portrait had to be Juliet’s featured wall art at the Portrait Gala celebrating the fabulous women from Southern Arizona who took part in the Wise Women: The 50 Over 50 Experience.

More than 300 people attended the Portrait Gala and Juliet received rave reviews from the crowd for her gorgeous portrait.

The moral to the story is, if you are asking yourself, “What if I did a boudoir photoshoot, what would that look like?” I can help you formulate the answers to all your questions, every step along the way. I got you! To transform how you see yourself, book a consultation today!

*If you are a woman aged 50, 60, 70, 80+ and live in Southern Arizona, please consider participating in Wise Women: The 50 Over 50 Experience. Our team is currently booking participants to be photographed in 2024 with a Portrait Gala in 2025 at Hacienda Del Sol. Click here to learn more about participating.


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