Frequently Asked Questions

  • This may seem odd, but I have seen it time and again… confidence is found during the session, not before it. I can assure you that it won’t take long for you to relax, have fun, and see with your own eyes that we’re capturing amazing portraits that you will absolutely love. The goal is for you to feel like a million bucks during your portrait session and long after. You will come away from your portrait session seeing yourself in a new way: fabulous just the way you are! Clients have shared with me time and again that their portrait session had a lasting impact on them and that the experience was definitely a confidence booster, and easily one of their favorite days EVER. And not only that, but they can’t wait to experience it again. Mind you, leading into their photoshoot they said it was a once in a lifetime experience, afterwards they can’t wait to do it again.

  • The unequivocal answer is no! You do not need to lose an ounce. And I’m not just saying it, my clients have also realized this over the years. Here’s a true story to illustrate this answer. A client who I have photographed multiple times over the years in various stages of undress said her favorite portraits were when she was curvier. Boudoir loves curves so don’t stress over losing weight. I promise that you will look and feel amazing just as you are without the burden of counting every calorie leading up to your portrait session. The goal is not to change you but to style, light, pose, and photograph you beautifully.

  • The answer is not an absolute no, but I will suggest that you push the pause button before you extend an invitation to a friend to participate in your boudoir portrait session. Friends can certainly be fun and supportive and they are welcomed wholeheartedly for a variety of portrait sessions that the studio offers. However, with that being said, an intimate portrait experience is different. Yes, we laugh and we have fun during your boudoir photo shoot, but there are times, especially with certain styles of portraits that a closed set is preferred. The studio does have a policy of no spouses, partners, girlfriends, or boyfriends on premises – beyond drop off or pick up – unless they are being photographed, too.

  • May I answer a question with a question? Why do you want just digitals when you can have prints, too? Let me explain. We’re making art and art deserves to live in the real world. I like tangible things. I like to touch, admire, and cherish them. Photographs are no different. And unlike so many other things that occupy our personal spaces and lives, photographs are one of the few items that become more valuable as time passes. The album that contains your photographs is celebrating a moment in time that is forever captured for you, of you. These meaningful photographs should not just be stored away on a hard drive. Hold your beautiful album in your hands. Let your fingers turn the pages while you remember the experience. This is an act of self-love. Let the portraits serve as a reminder that you are beautiful, not only on the good days when you feel your best, but may they also be a touchstone on the days when you need a helpful reminder that you are strong, sensual, and powerful.

  • Yes. If the desired result of your portrait session is black and white portraits then we need to think in terms of black, white and grays. Digital cameras only record information in color, so digital photographs are converted to black and white. All the colors, except black and white, are converted to gray. Some colors look better than others in hues of gray. For example, the color red, especially fire engine red does not convert well to monochrome, nor does a mid-tone green. With the absence of color simplicity is the focus. That simplicity though doesn’t necessarily need to apply to your wardrobe choices. Clothing with texture photograph beautifully, such as embroidery, sequins, sheer material, draping, and embellishments. Choose items that are black, white, or jewel tones, and in the case of red, the darker the better, such as burgundy.

  • Boudoir has evolved beyond lingerie. Boudoir, falling under the broader heading of Intimate Portraits, is influenced by practically everything from Renaissance paintings to fashion, from pop art to Comic-Con, from fetish to Romanticism. In other words, my friend, the style can be anything you want it to be. Clients are mostly photographed in various stages of undress from nude, or applied nude, to mostly clothed, which could be a sweater pulled down to reveal a bare shoulder, or a dress unzipped to reveal part of the derrière. Some clients like to lean into the erotic. Others prefer vintage styling, such as pin-up. You may prefer to wear just a pair of fantastic stilettos, or fabulous boots. Sheer fabrics can be used for wonderful artistic effects. Studio portraits are captured with both beautiful natural light and moodier artificial light. Heck, you can even be a mermaid or a siren, if you like. Or Marie Antoinette. If you can dream it, we can achieve it. During your pre-photoshoot consultation we discover how you want to be photographed and we discuss the best styling choices, lighting and poses to capture the mood of the portrait session. Together we collaborate on every aspect of your intimate portrait session.

  • No, unless you specifically ask to capture Fine Art Nudes as part of your collection. Nudity is never required or expected. A wide variety of portraits can be captured with implied nudity techniques, if that is a style you would like to include in your portrait session.

  • Yes. A vision board is the easiest way to share artistic vision for the portrait session. Pinterest is highly recommended for this task. When creating an inspirational vision board, you will quickly start to identify themes. You will be attracted to particular moods and styling. It is helpful if you create a Pinterest board ahead of your consultation. Please note that we are not replicating the photographs you choose, but we will reference for inspiration to help design lighting, identify favorite poses and select wardrobe.

  • Often, it is just you and me, the photographer. A makeup artist is on-site in the morning for Gold and Silver Collections. After she completes your makeup, and possibly your hair, we do a test shot and make modifications based upon what we collectively see and your feedback. After we receive your approval that you are completely satisfied with the makeup and hair artistry, the makeup artist departs. She can be retained all day for an additional fee to do touch-ups and create additional looks. For some sessions, I have an assistant to help create the various looks, such as when flowing fabric is desired.

  • No. While there might be poses you love and want to incorporate into your portrait session, which we will discuss during your consultation, it is ultimately your photographer’s responsibility to guide you through poses and expressions that complement you as well as the mood and style of the portraits being captured. No two portrait sessions are the same and yours will be tailored to you. The goal is for you to have a fantastic time, and not to worry about anything, while we create intimate portraits that you will cherish. I mind all the details so you don’t have to. You’re fully empowered to relax and embrace the experience.

  • Portraits are hand retouched for the Gold and Silver Collections. My guiding philosophy is that less is more with retouching and your wishes are incorporated into the retouching project. For the Monochrome Collection the portraits have little to no retouching. If you arrive with a huge blemish on your face, or gigantic bruise on your leg, and it is something that would normally be gone within two weeks, then yes, a quick removal will be done. Otherwise, the goal of the Monochrome Collection is to capture you “as you are”, perfectly imperfect.

  • Yes. Payments can be made before and after your portrait session. Gift cards are available for purchase when your family, friends, and/or significant other want to contribute to your Portrait Collection. To book your session a 20% non-refundable retainer will reserve your portrait session date. The balance is due 15 days before the portrait sessions date, unless a payment plan has been pre-arranged. Tax applies to all Portrait Collections and Services. Portraits, albums and wall art will be delivered after payment is made in full.

  • No. Your privacy is of upmost importance that responsibility is not taken lightly. Portraits are not shared, posted or published without your consent.